We know about the Coulter rants. Here is what one of her toadies had to say building off Ann's follies:
Obviously many of these FISA judges are nothing but partisan political hacks pretending to be unbiased arbiters of justice, and it's about time folks started expressing a little outrage over their ideologically-driven rulings, as well as the decisions of every other activist who sits on a federal bench.
And the facts are:
William Rehnquist, the late chief justice of the Supreme Court, appointed all the sitting FISA judges.
Rehnquist is appointing partisan political hacks? Partisan as in Democratic Partisan? They are smoking some pretty powerful stuff in Ann's closet.
This week's score:
Paris (All I Need to Do is Keep My mouth Shut) Hilton 3
Ann Coulter 0
I heard a similar comment from thrice-divorced drug addict Rush Limbaugh today (I accidentally left the radio on WIBA-AM after listening to yesterday's basketball game). He said something to the effect that Democrats don't want any spying on anyone at any time, ever. No, you big fat idiot, Democrats want the judicial oversight of the executive branch that the legislative branch required in the FISA law. You know, separation of powers versus "The Imperial Presidency."
Speaking of thrice-divorced drug addict Rush Limbaugh, has anyone else noticed that he is using a claim of medical privacy to stall his trial/jail time? hmmmmmm. If thrice-divorced drug addict Rush Limbaugh has a right to medical privacy, does anyone else? Such as pregnant women, for example? But I digress....
Posted by: Jon | January 09, 2006 at 05:50 PM