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« Frank Lloyd Wright in Racine, Chicago and Madison | Main | Thoughts on Public Education and Right Wing Foolishness »

January 30, 2006


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Dan Kanninen

Paul, I'm not sure I agree with all that you write here, but you make some strong arguments. I have come to truly enjoy the Overture Center and am glad for it. I am not, however, indifferent to legitimate concerns about the impact the facility has had or will have on local arts groups. My question is this: what would your alternative have been in 1997? Should the community have turned down the donation? Should other steps have been taken at that time to assist and protect local arts groups?

When I hear about "the problem with Overture", I frankly find it to be a bit ungrateful. It was a staggering donation to provide such a palace to the arts. Do you really mean to suggest implicitly or otherwise that our community is worse off for the Frautchi’s generosity? If that's not your assertion, I'd prefer a specific discussion of what mistakes were made or what corrections can take place, rather than to broadly tarnish such an act of charity.

With respect and thanks for you continued contribution to the public dialogue,


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