Did you ever notice:
- Supporters of vouchers and so-called 'school choice,' disproportionately send their children to private or suburban schools where the per-pupil expenditures are the highest.
- "Choice schools" do not have nearly the numbers of special education children as public schools.
- With corporate America clamoring for 'pay of performance,' executives of failed companies walk with mutli-million dollar bonuses while no one ever suggests doubling the salary of a stellar $30,000 public school teacher.
- George Bush acknowledges that in professional baseball the teams with the most money can afford the best facilities and the best players and are more likely to win but, he can't figure out why delapidated schools, children living in poverty and poorly paid teachers produce poor results.
- As we spend a smaller and small proportion of our gross national product on education, our students are getting dumber.
- Added 1/30/06 at 4:37 PM:
If you ever take the time to visit the websites of the expensive, Eastern prep schools (such as Choate, Andover, Exeter etc.), you’ll find that they speak to the quality of education offered by noting their small class sizes, low teacher-student ratios, highly educated teachers, etc.