Here is a tasty morsel for Wisconsin's Ralph Ovadal , he of the Homo-Facsist Watch. It seems that an openly activist gay actor, Chad Allen is starring in an evangelical film "End of the Spear." :
How did a team of evangelical Christians end up casting a gay activist to star in "End of the Spear," their film about slain missionaries?
That has taken some explaining, especially to conservative Christians...
Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., called that decision "very reckless." He said Allen, an outspoken advocate for gay rights, had hardly made a secret of his sexual orientation.
"Given the publicity of Chad Allen's activism and the intensity of his mission to normalize homosexuality ... it is hard, if not impossible, to suspend belief and see him as a missionary martyr for the Gospel..."
For more on Chad Allen, go to his website but first you may want to read more from the Reverend Albert Mohler Jr. What Were They Thinking? The Controversy Over The End of the Spear.
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