I have no polling data for Wisconsin on support of equal rights and liberties for gays. I do know a few things.
I know that:
the right-wing Republican majority in the state legislature plans to use the issue as a wedge to generate conservative voters to create Republican majorities in next fall's election;
Democrats will only be victimized by this if they signal to the middle that gay rights are the most important issue this fall;
among those under forty years old there are significant numbers who genuinely believe that that this proposed Constitutional Amendment is an abomination and that this same generation's voting turnout is probably close to 20%, perhaps 25% on a good day; and
that it is possible to increase their turnout and beat these cynical extreme right wingers and elect some good, honorable people to the Wisconsin Legislature.
Wow, you have a blog. This is Eva Young, daughter of Rebecca Young. You were mayor when I was in high school.
When the Leviticus Crowd rallied at the capitol in Madison, did you get footage of signs like this?
Posted by: Eva Youngq | February 28, 2006 at 10:15 PM
Hi there! Nice to hear from you. Yup, we have more than enough of those domestic terrorists with their bigoted placards parading aorund the Sqaure. But we will put them in their place next fall.
Posted by: Paul | March 01, 2006 at 12:31 PM
Have you seen the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders blog. I've got a post about them:
This blog should get more media exposure. They can only help defeat this nonsense. You'd think even the people in the legislature pushing this amendment would want to distance themselves from the Wisconsin Marriage Defenders.
Posted by: Eva Young | March 01, 2006 at 10:10 PM