Libbygate; Cheneygate; Bushgate, Watergate October 28, 2005 Waxingamerica
I know, Scooter Libby has not been tried and found guilty, but humor me for a moment.
Since the reign of Richard Nixon, the pundits have attached a 'gate' to every scandal that came along. None of theses transgressions, perhaps with the exception of Iran Contragate, deserved to be placed in the same class with Watergate.
Finally we have treachery and crime, of Nixonian proportions. Reaching up into the White House where confidants of the President and the Vice President committed treasonous acts and shredding, trampling , and desecrating the Constitution we have the Bush ignobility to measure against Nixon.
Once again a President is marching down a dangerous path pursuing an unpopular war, fertilized by lies and deception. The American people no longer buy the nonsense that things are going well.
The Administration, watching support rapidly deteriorating in the center is targeting enemies who question the War. Is it Vietnam or Iraq? No that is no the question. The questions for the President and Vice President are What did they know and When did they know it?
The question for the American people is, "How much more of this is going on?"