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February 28, 2007


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Not third straight year, third straight time - they vote every two years.


There's no sense to berate the Veteran's Committee when these players were passed over by the writers for many years before.

Maybe we should get a committee to vote out those who truly don't belong in the Hall upon further reflection


Maybe the voting should take place inside a closed (hell it could even be an open forum) room where the writers (during their turn) can hash over who is qualified for enshrinement. Possibly have a 60% yea vote for inclusion.

Then do the same with the veterans committee vote. Let's see who is stonewalling those most deserving - Bert Blyleven, Ron Santo, Luis Tiant ..... others? And I might add include Pete Rose and Shoeless Joe Jackson.

I know ---- I'll probably get that integrity b.s. But let's face it. Isn't there an ex Cubs pitcher that was a known cocaine user?

Welcome for comments

Brad Clark

While there are of course a few more important issues facing Madison and the U.S. today, as a Cub fan who came of age in the '60's and whose heart was broken in 1969 (and 1984, 1989, 1998, and - ouch - 2003), I am saddened for Ron Santo, who was this eleven-year-old's hero in 1967 when I first started getting "into" baseball. Santo is unquestionably one of the ten best third basemen of all time and a deserving Hall of Famer, and for the arrogant Joe Morgans of the world to make it to Cooperstown and then lock the door behind themselves really stinks!

Pissed off chris !

Why isn't Ted Simmons in the Baseball HOF !

Check out the stats, do the research. He has better stats then Gary Carter, Johnny Bench, Roy Campanella, and Bill Dickey. He has very similar stats to Yogi Berra, not quite better, but close. All these players are in but not Simmons. This is a joke and highway robbery against Ted. Who am I to bitch, I'm just a lowly paying fan who's opinion means nothing!!!!!!

Jeffrey L. Walters

This will be an interesting year for the Veteran Committee.

Without new inductees - why have a Veteran Committee?

Jeffrey L. Walters

This will be an interesting year for the Veteran Committee.

Without new inductees - why have a Veteran Committee?

james martin

santo should be in the Hall

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