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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

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August 03, 2007


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I don't understand why the ancient Romans could build bridges that lasted longer than ours do?


They did not salt their roads and bridges. Sometimes they used better materials.


Paul - I think it's because we have a bridge industry that relies on repeat business.

truth investigator

Maybe Doyle should not have raided $1 Billion from transportation to give to WEAC.


Anonymous, the Roman empire was famed for maintaining its infrastructure. Then some bridges were maintained by the Brits and others, because they were historic -- not that they let semitrailers drive on 'em.

But ask any archaeologist: A lot of Roman bridges are gone, and many began to crumble along with the empire. There's a lesson in that for us.


Kay - Hi, We know Rome built most roads and bridges because of military campaigns. My wife recently went to Prague and walk across the bridge built by a Roman Emperor and toured his castle. That was about (est.) 1,800 years ago these were built. The Minneapolis bridge was only about 50 years old and our engineering and technology supposedly is superior. Thanks, but it still looks like it was engineered for repeat business to me.

If a bridge like the Minneapolis bridge cost $50 million and only last 50 years, we should maybe have leasing arrangements with bridge companies that could maybe prevent these types of problems.

I think we should bring back slavery, and have slaves and prisoners build the nonrepeat business all of you are nostalgic

Ed Green

The repeat business concept is on target. This bridge was only 40 (not 50) years old. The Rolling Stones have stayed together longer than this marvel of 'value engineering'!

I heard this on a CNN report this week, from an expert in the history of bridge design: The assumed useful life of these bridges put up in the first 20 years of building the Interstate system was, I kid you not, 25 YEARS.

These guys seriously thought it was reasonable to expect that all these bridges would simply be replaced about as often as you would re-shingle the roof on your house. Even if you forgive their apparent belief in endless post-war prosperity, how did they ever imagine that people would put up with the massive disruption of actually doing this to all the hundreds of these bridges in a fairly short period of time? Maybe they wanted to punish their kids for the long hair, war protests and listening to that awful music by the Rolling Stones. . .

Well, I guess you showed US.

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