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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

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September 25, 2007


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I just read this morning that under Democratic leadership the approval of Congress has fallen to 11%. The real question is where are independent voters and angry Republicans going to go. Are they going to vote for Democrats knowing the party is now controlled by the far left??? Or are the disgruntaled Republicans and independents going to pull the Republican party back it's core values established by our nations founding fathers. Since the Democrats have become socialists and the Republicans may in fact again get behind free market capitalism at least the voters will have clear choices.


Russ, the important question is "*why* is the public unhappy with Congress?"

The answer is "because they're not acting boldly enough to right the Bush administration's wrongs."

In my view the reality is that the Senate GOP has filibustered nearly every Dem proposal since January, effectively preventing the Dems from fulfilling their promises. While this may be good in the short term for the GOP, it will only mean that the public gets another 13 months of unimpeded Bush policies, leading even more voters to support their local Dems in November, 2008.

If the GOP gave in every now and then they would likely keep the Dems under 60 Senate seats. They don't see it that way, and maybe it's ok to give them 15 months of obstructionism for a fillibuster proof majority in January 2009 (particularly with a Dem in the White House, too).

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