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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

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October 09, 2007


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Commie faculty at Whitewater? Nass apparently wasn't a business major. Anyone remember Joe Chopp of the Biology Dept in the late sixties? Another possibility is that Nass is Nuts.


Nass is a liar. I cannot imagine any professor denying a student the chance to disagree if the disagreement is done with thought and facts.

Nass likely objected from an ideological standpoint. No thought.


LOL.. try graduating with an engineering degree at UW-Madison in 4 years. Unless you're superman or come to college with 30 math and physics AP credits, it's just about impossible.

Barry Orton

The engineering degree problem has been similar at all major universities for the last 50 years. It's far too many required courses and too few electives. That's a different issue.

Joel Peissig

Do any of you know how I can get a hold Mr. Paul Soglin.
Maybe an e-mail?
Can't find one here at this site.

Tim Kisting

Oct 28, 2007 Milwaukee Journal reprint of Soglin's stupidity!!!

Soglin you are a cut and run liberal piece of shit, from the 60's to your mayorship of the peoples Republic of Madison in the 80's and 90's. Bush HAS never lied the 46 billon need for our valient war in Iraq is TOTALLY neccessary, and unlike your socialist mind would never be spent on socialized medicine, welfare programs etc, even if there were no war. That is the true disconnect of your clueless arguments. The only nightmare is that you continue to be a coward. The world is already in WW111 you cluesless idiots, we are in the beginning stages of a 100 years war on our fight on terrorism. We can not appease, listen, understand, feel there pain etc, terrorist must be hunted down, destroyed by whatever means possible, and Bush and patriotic Americans have a blank check to do it. Soglin, your like Neville chamberlain at the 1938 Munich Conference when Hitler was appeased, in the name of "peace" cowards like chaimberlain and your ilk were responsible for 10 of millons of murders, the holocust etc, because the world did not start WW11 in 1938, rather than September of 1939. Soglin, you and your liberal ilk are guiltu of treason.
Timothy Kisting
6235 S Karrington Ln
New Berlin, WI 53151
New Berlin, city the supported Bush in 2004 by a 74-26% margin

Tiredof Wingnuts

Hey Kisting -

Apparently this-->

is about YOU.

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