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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

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October 25, 2007


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Wow, Rick Esenberg made the canonical example of an ad hominem attack. It's fascinating how the right-wing make arguments from emotion, not intellect. Because they have no facts, they can't make intellectual arguments, and in fact denigrate intellectuals. Rick's argument could have been straight from Stephen Colbert it's so funny.


Out of fairness to Rick, the comment was from one of his readers


Crime suppression is easy; just watch Judge Dredd, or the Punisher, and do that. Am I right?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Blaska is a point.

( - shill shill shill)

Julia Kerr

Paul: Love your blog, but am deeply troubled by the fact that 41% of your readers taking your poll favor the Rockies over the Red Sox...what is up with that!?!?!

Julia Kerr, 13th District Alder and Die-Hard Red Sox Fan

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