Not satisfied with the millions of dollars it raises for 'issues ads' to attack political foes, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) is launching a new campaign, The Wisconsin Prosperity Project.
WMC is already known for bundling money from its corporate members and a never ending campaign to declare Wisconsin a 'tax hell.'
Now the Capital Region Business Journal (CRBJ), a publication of the Wisconsin State Journal, reports in its November edition that WMC will work with employers to "provide information to their workers on what issues affect their businesses and how lawmakers stand on those issues."
All of this points to some interesting possibilities in the coming year:
- WMC could lead the businesses afoul of state election laws that prohibit employers from campaigning in the workplace.
- Some employers may not wish to be associated with this project. It means putting their names on a WMC political package. Many are uncomfortable with WMC's savage attacks and do not wish their names associated with such activities in the minds of consumers and employees.
- Many Wisconsin industries are looking for common ground with Governor Doyle, Democrats and moderate Republicans to build the state economy and educational system. WMC, already facing a mutiny among some members, may further marginalize itself.
With major victories in the Supreme Court race in 2007 and the Attorney General campaign in 2006, WMC is feeling pretty good about itself. But other recent activities are distressing to WMC:
- a loss in the 2006 Governor's race to Democrat Jim Doyle,
- the loss of control of the Wisconsin State Senate,
- the defeat it took in the recent state budget deliberations, and
- the dissent among the WMC members.
So far, WMC is able to work its magic by allowing its donors to hide behind the WMC logo. The new project will require the individual companies to go public in their affiliation with the organization.
Author's note and disclosure: When a direct link to their story is provided by CRBJ, I will offer it.
(Paul Soglin receives compensation for doing research on WMC and working to oppose some of its efforts.)
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