You have to wonder why Mark Belling hates Wisconsin and Milwaukee as much as he does. In his latest rant, subtitled, State’s business climate far from welcoming, the right wing radio entertainer asserts:
We are driving businesses out and telling new ones to stay away by raising taxes to obscene levels, regulating businesses to death, imposing impossible environmental restrictions and levying some of the nation’s highest health care costs. Until those things are fixed, the business climate is not going to improve.
With so-called friends like Belling, it is no wonder that there is more than a little confusion in the Milwaukee business community.
There is not one word in Belling's quiver about the most important challenge facing Milwaukee and the state, growing a vital workforce. The key to Wisconsin's future is eduction, job training and workforce development.
Other key elements that Belling gets wrong:
Collections of taxes and fees in Wisconsin is average compared to the rest of the nation. Taxes on Wisconsin businesses are significantly lower.When businesses make location or expansion decisions the quality of the schools, the environment, safety, and the workforce all trump tax rates.
Government and the private sector can work together within the M-7 environment. In fact, that collaboration will allow a frank and candid discussion of the changes that both government and the private sector need to make.
Lowering the bar so that wage rates compete with China or even Alabama are not what Wisconsin business needs.
The new economy is not solely based on "biotech and drug industries." The secret for Milwaukee is not to copy others but to work from its strengths, its industrial and financial base.
It is evident that there are elements in Wisconsin including Belling and the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce who are less concerned about the quality of Wisconsin's business climate, and more concerned about using the business community to drive a right-wing ideological political program.
For a true understanding of how far Belling is off the planet, take a look at the Milwaukee 7 website and scroll down to the Strategic Planning link and look at the thoughtful reports. I may not agree with all of their findings but certainly, this is more substance than "inane cheerleading."