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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

« Nebraska Supreme Court Plays Cruel Trick on WMC | Main | An Apology TO CUNA Mutual Group and About those H1B's.... »

February 12, 2008


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It would be good for the State to get someone that isn't an insider on the Court. Butler is nothing less then an inside liberal on the Court that doesn't care or hasn't done anything to my knowledge about justice in the Court system.

Obviously, all you care about is appearances rather then justice. Your endorcement of Obama is no better, perhaps worse.



So you What do you want? You would prefer that judges issue differing opinions on similar cases? that long-standing, often-reaffirmed precedent be ignored at the whim of the judge?

This whole "rule of law", "no one above the law" concept is just lost on you isn't it?

Adam James

The WMC will continue to ride roughshod over our rights as citizens by using their corporate money. Our ability to choose the supreme court is waning. Since campaign reform is the furthest thing from the minds of legislators, we need to step up and do something else.

I propose that we run two series of ads. First, ads exposing former WMC candidates, where WMC gets its money from, etc. Second, ads that display the alignment of current candidates with the WMC.

Now, who has the money to do this...? Let's hope all the interested parties can band together to keep Butler in office and keep the WMC's grubby little fingers out.


snowbeltliberal -

Doesn't it bother you just a little bit that Judges like Ziegler were breaking the rules with apparent unconcern under the watch of Justice Butler?

As far as I know, he has not done one thing to make our Courts a fair and impartial venue that people can trust. It's time to try new people.


I don't quite understand your argument. Butler is bad. Gableman is bad. Elect Gableman?

Wake up. Talk to your party. Attend meetings. Pick a viable and ethical candidate. Please, stop electing these candidates just because your "leaders" tell you to.

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