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June 25, 2008


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Brenda Konkel

No kidding! The amount of hours spent by volunteers, often invisible, to make our parks beautiful is AMAZING!!!

Susannah Brooks

Don't forget the Master Gardeners. They require a certain amount of "public service" gardening to stay certified, I think. My mom, in particular, has taken care of various City-County beds and has maintained the Forest Hill Cemetery plantings by the entrance for several years. (Yes, she's the one who does the giant asparagus and bird's nests, etc.) Some of the other Master Gardeners help out with projects like shepherding newer community gardens (Quann Park).

Dan Sebald

It's also a community sort of thing. When I was in Madison, I always enjoyed helping out from time to time in the nearby park when there was an organized planting or weeding. It's a small group of people from the neighborhood one wouldn't meet otherwise.

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