Ever since we launched WMC Watch, it was anticipated that at some point the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), backed into a corner, would launch responses where they would attempt to put lipstick on the pig.
One installment came today when WMC President, Jim Haney provided WMC is working to make state most competitive to The Capital Times.:
...WMC promotes public policies aimed at achieving our goal of making Wisconsin the most competitive state in the nation...
...And we offer the hand of friendship and cooperation to anyone who wants to join us in working to make Wisconsin the most competitive state in the nation.
First of all, while the stated goal is admirable, it is not true. Secondly as to the friendship, why don't we ask defeated Justice Louis Butler if the treatment he received was friendly.
The real issue is the contradiction between what WMC states and what it does. A competitive state:
Competitive states not only look at what is good for business, but they look at what is good for the entire state and all of the ramifications of their decisions. Imagine the possibilites if we could cut Wisconsin prison costs in half and put that money into economic development and alternative energy development.
Thank you for the concise critique of James Haney's Op-ed piece.
Posted by: Katrina | July 16, 2008 at 12:49 PM
I would add that a competitive nation imposes reasonable regulations that protect reputable businesses from disreputable ones.
WMC does not seem to understand how, for example, SEC oversight of mortgage lenders (and FAA inspection of airplanes, FDA inspection of medical software) help reputable businesses by eliminating the fly-by-night operations that throw all market players into races to the bottoms.
Posted by: snowbeltliberal | July 16, 2008 at 01:33 PM
WMC is starting to squirm, finally. See Shivers' comment in the CapTimes about his personal boycott of products from companies with representatives on the WMC Board. Now if we could only get lots more folks on the boycott wagon. Go Sox. Frank
Posted by: Frank Ryan | July 17, 2008 at 08:46 PM
I have also dissected Haney's partisan one sided vision of Wisconsin.
Posted by: John | July 18, 2008 at 12:16 PM