As the dust settled on Wall Street and the savings and retirement hopes of millions of Americans crumbled, it was clear the the House Republicans had their way. The Associated Press headline said it all, Bailout bill slapped aside; record stock plunge.
Down in the twenty-fourth paragraph, long after the carnage and mayhem were reported came this:
Republicans blamed Pelosi's scathing speech near the close of the debate — which assailed Bush's economic policies and a "right-wing ideology of anything goes, no supervision, no discipline, no regulation" of financial markets — for the defeat. It was not much different from her usual tough words against the president and his party.
If there was ever demonstrable proof of the infantile nature of the extreme right wing of the Republican Party this was it. Out of spite, create the greatest one-day loss in the history of the marketplace. So much for the rationality of capitalism.
My guess is that not far off in the future we will see today's losses recouped, but that will be little consolation to the the millions of Americans who lost billions of dollars over a hissy fit.
My thoughts about the Democrats who voted against the bill are not kind, but at least their behavior was rational. Fearful of rabid Republican opponents who would use the issue in the election a month away, they ducked, or as we like to say here at Waxing America, "A candid examination of right-wing policies and the Democrats who play along..."