I felt sadness upon hearing of the passing of Madison Alderwomen Betty Smith, but I also smiled.
Betty had good politics, or as I used to tease her, great politics for a Republican.
In fact, she would be despised and castigated as a RINO if she was active in politics today.
Betty was elected to the city council in 1973. I had made a pledge to begin a Madison child care program. I did not have a clue as to how it would happen. We were going to certify child care centers, provide instructional and training materials on child development to those who wanted the assistance, and even provide a modest scholarship program.
Betty told me not to worry about it. She gave me the name of Mary Berryman Agard and we went to work. At least the two of them did. I just tagged along.
The program was a smashing success. To this day, Madison's program is the model for the rest of the country.
It was a joy to work with Betty. Whether it was the child care program, the State Street Mall, the Civic Center, or even her complaints about the performance of certain city employees, she always had a smile and nothing less than support and encouragement as we strived to make Madison a great place to live, for all people.
Years later, Betty then in her 70's could be seen bustling around Madison, often with her 90 year old mother in tow.
William Bradford Smith preceded her in death years too early. They were a wonderful couple, thoughtful and kind. While William Bradford's firmness was a counterpoint to Betty's never-ending smile, you knew they belonged together.
If our mission in life is to contribute and improve the lives of those around us, Betty succeeded in everything she did.
Posted by: Stu Levitan | December 31, 2008 at 05:38 AM
Thank you very much for your kind words in your Blog about Betty Smith. As her daughter, I often heard my parents talk about you. When you were first elected, few thought you would turn out to be an ally. However, you and Betty were both dedicated to making things better for Madisonians and getting things done!
Posted by: Patricia Smith Grimes | December 31, 2008 at 04:15 PM