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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

« Madison's Overture - An Encore | Main | Madison's State Street - Wasting over $3 Million a Year »

December 12, 2008


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In a city still rocked by the Jonestown murders - the murder of Milk & Moscone put us into a grief tailspin.

I was working at Mt. Zion Hospital - one block north of Geary and Divisadero on the oncology floor. Jim Jones temple was one block away. Many family members of co-workers were lost in that tragedy.

Then this.

I seriously considered moving back to Madison.

But I didn't. We all pulled together and supported each other in our grief. I will never forget that time.

I will also never forget Dianne Feinstein - and the incredibly strong woman she was/is. I had an opportunity to meet her - when her first husband (Dr. Feinstein) was hospitalized and we helped her bring him home to die.

There are no words to describe how grateful the city was to have her steady hand.

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