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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

« Madison's State Street - Wasting over $3 Million a Year | Main | Blagojevich: Sleaze vs. Crime »

December 16, 2008


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we shall see. the health merger seems to be anything but healthy.

Alderman Steve

Middleton's EMS dispatching was forced into a shotgun marriage with the county. Thankfully we still do our own police dispatching. Our dispatchers feel like they are part of the team, and if they mess up (a rare occurrence) they have to look the patrol officers in the eye at the end of the shift. It brings a bitter laugh to recall all the promises and assurances Dane County Dispatch made to us regarding "their superior quality control" to our small operation.

Tim M.

You've been on a MAJOR roll the past few days...this stuff is gold. Kudos.

A.J. Love

I seem to remember you warning specifically about this kind of thing during the Mayoral debates with (then, not yet) Mayor Dave. Ciezlewicz supporters at the time tried to label you as "condescending" and Dave mostly wanted to talk about "affordable housing". And here we are...

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