With all the changes and shifts, including the appointment of seven new board members at Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), one friend wrote last week, "What do your tea-leaf readers and Kremlinologists tell you about these?"
Good question, damn good question.
While I mulled it over, we got word that WMC will not participate in an effort to unseat Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson in the April Supreme Court race.
Here is what we know about recent activities at the WMC fortress on East Washington Ave:
Yes, there was the summit invitation, personally extend to me by WMC President Jim Haney, for lunch at the Madison Club. Jim and I broke bread. We have been acquaintances, almost friends, in our aging careers for forty-four years, since I defeated him in a student government race in 1965. We discussed old times, mutual friends, and the future of Wisconsin. Put all of this together and here are the conclusions: The Supreme Court Race As repeatedly predicted, the right-wing effort to control the Wisconsin Supreme Court, directed by WMC, will shift to other front organizations. As I wrote last December, WMC - Repackaging the Outfit , "Through a 'lend lease' program of money and talent, let surrogates like All Children Matter do the hatchet job on Democrats like Trish O'Neil in the November elections." WMC will be replaced in the Supreme Court race by All Children Matter, Americans for Prosperity and other right-wing groups. Probably 80% of money to purchase the television ads to unseat Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson will come from out of state. The surrogates will hire the same professional writers and producers that authored WMC-produced TV spots trashing Louis Butler and Linda Clifford. The WMC logo and influence will be absent making the attacks, making them slightly less effective, but it will be brutal. The report on WMC and the Supreme Court race from Wispolitics.com: Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, the biggest spender in the previous two Supreme Court campaigns, will sit out this spring's race between Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson and Jefferson County Judge Randy Koschnick.....
I have not found the link to the report on WMC sitting on the sidelines for the Supreme Court race, but you will find the document below.
Perhaps the reason the WMC is sitting out this SC race is that they can. They have already secured a right-tilting majority. Their work is done. They can sit on the sidelines & maintain a low profile-for now.
Posted by: atticusfinch | January 28, 2009 at 12:42 PM