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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

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January 26, 2009


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In my working life, I was involved with many grant applications to the Feds. Almost all of the applications included a certification by senior management of the applicant that none of the funds recieved under the grant would be used for lobbying. What's the deal with Wall Street types that they can lobby with federal $? They must be special.

R u Kidding?

Paul Soglin is worried about government money going to campaigns? So then WEAC, the union that skims hunderds of million of dollars per year from teachers' paychecks shouldn't use any of that money in campaigns? No? Oh, I get it. You are ok with government money going to your candidates, but not any you don't support.

But public financing is good because it will force people to give candidates money they do not support? Holy logical confusion. Must be nice to live in that world.


There comes a time when retired politicians should shut up and go away peacefully accepting there is nothing meaningful to contribute that advances the greater good. This here silliness from Soglin fits that profile in classic fashion. Can you hear the whining?

R. Legro

nonheroicvet writes:

> So then WEAC, the union that skims hunderds of million of dollars per year from teachers' paychecks shouldn't use any of that money in campaigns?

Ah, but you see, that money the teachers earned, once the public school system pays it to them, is THEIR (i.e., PRIVATE, not PUBLIC) money. The government no longer has a say in how they spend it. But on the private side of the equation, those teachers do belong to a union that collects dues in exchange for providing benefits to its members (an act, by the way, that nonheroicvet -- who perhaps gets veterans benefits -- unjustifiably dubs "skimming," as if the union were secretly stealing it.)

In school, if you're paying attention, they often teach you this kind of stuff.


I am taking my own steps - I have written to no avail to representatives in Washington. So my choice is to remove any money I have with financial institutions who took my tax dollars as bailout. I will also not do any business with any firms taking my money from the government in the form of a bailout. Let them get their own house in order - everyone in Washington should take a 20% reduction in pay, give up benefits, those at the very top give up salary altogether. That is what every one of the small family run businesses I work with have done during these tough times. Employees, owners all have taken cuts only to watch Washington spend like madmen.

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