Never content to discuss the issues, the Wisconsin Club for Growth came up with this gem on Wednesday. (If anyone can figure out a direct link, I would appreciate it.).
In a brief appearance on Wisconsin Public Television, U.W. Applied Economics Professor Andrew Reschovsky advocated for 5 new tax increases to fix Wisconsin’s perpetually growing budget deficit.
For starters, Reschovsky wants to increase the capital gains tax which he predicts would not cause further harm to Wisconsin’s bleak employment picture....
Reschovsky would also like to increase the state income tax, because, and we're not joking, “it's a tax that's only paid by people that have jobs.” ...Yet he doesn't explain how state and local governments spending $1.3 billion a year for employee pension plans helps to educate children, or how wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on failed computer projects has helped Medicaid recipients.
Obviously these folks, taking a page out of Rush Limbaugh's play book, have no intention is contributing to the quality of public discourse.
Perhaps they would like to disclose the nature of the pension plans of their fattest wallets. It is interesting that they do not believe that public employees are entitled to a pension, especially when they took reduced pay checks to get the pension contributions.
Too bad Doyle, Pocan and Miller listened to the Club for Growth, the Tea Baggers, WMC, the McIver's... and not Reschovsky or the 65 groups who understood that new revenues should to be part of the answer.
Posted by: Thomas J. Mertz | May 22, 2009 at 09:04 AM
"...Wisconsin’s perpetually growing budget deficit."
...and there we have it folks.
'No' to efficiency. 'No' to restraint. 'No' to modesty.
'Yes' to give-a-ways to our base. 'Yes' to expanding dependency on the state. 'Yes' to give-a-ways to our donors.
How is it that the "greatest generation" gave birth to the worst generation?
Posted by: R.J. | May 22, 2009 at 03:17 PM
Taxpayers finally have a voice in the Governor's mansion. How is it fair for unions to give money to politicians then negotiate with those same politicians for higher benefits. How is it fair for unions to take dues then give them to politicians. I think those fat, lazy union bosses should be the only ones worried.
Posted by: chris herro | February 22, 2011 at 06:52 PM
How fair is it for politicians to take money from corporations and then use it to benefit corporations. How fair is it for corporations to move jobs overseas for slave labor wages and then blame American workers. The market is the people and jobs are not created by rich, and greedy corporations. How ironic that the governor is living in a mansion built by the way by the father of a teacher that I worked with. I guess you don't believe in democracy.
A government by the people, for the people, and of the people. Our forefathers came here to escape oppression from the rich ruling classes to establish a country for the liberties of the common citizens. Shame on you who forgot your history or don't care. You will lose this fight. Remember God said the meek will inherit the earth
Posted by: Bradford Arneson | February 23, 2011 at 10:49 PM