Colin Powell is really not a Republican. First of all, like many moderate Republicans, he is a member of the GOP because he cannot tolerate some of the worst idiosyncrasies of the Democrats. Democrats are the party of compassion and sometimes it extends to bleeding-heart liberalism that offends moderates like Powell, who believe that social welfare programs should be a safety net, not a permanent condition. Liberal Democratic programs that emphasize welfare and not industry and initiative trouble these moderates and turn them into Republicans.
Mr. Powell said he hoped his party could adopt a more centrist message, one that he said was espoused by Jack Kemp, the former Republican congressman who died of cancer on May 2.
“Jack was as conservative as anybody,” Mr. Powell said. “And Jack also was a man who believed in inclusiveness, reaching out to minorities, reaching out to the poor, sharing the wealth. Which became a bad term last fall, but sharing the wealth of the country not only with the rich, but with those who are least advantaged in our society. It’s that kind of Jack Kemp Republicanism that I like, and I would like to see the party move more in that kind of a direction.”
In the GOP, Powell found a natural partnership and comfort with a party committed to recognizing the role of private capital in a democratic society, the rights of individuals to be free from government repression ranging from torture to secret spying, and the conduct of military and diplomatic affairs based on integrity and conscience. That was the party of not only Rockefeller but also Goldwater.
The Republican Party of the twenty-first century is the party of guns, god and gays. Those are not the important issues to Powell. They are tools, mechanical means of mustering votes. That is not Powell.
He is not a Republican.
Very true. I commend Powell for speaking his mind but he stopped being a Republican a long time ago.
Posted by: Millionaires Of Genesis | May 25, 2009 at 10:10 AM
I don't know where in the world people get the idea that Colin Powell is a good guy. He was a top advisor to the warmongering Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II. He more than anyone helped spread the lies to justify Iraq Invasion II. Thousands of people are dead, and the blood is on his hands. He's a war criminal, not a war hero.
(Remember that the liar Powell also testified that the massively corrupt Ted Steven had a "sterling" reputation for honesty and integrity.)
Posted by: Jeff | May 25, 2009 at 10:32 AM
When the extreme left cares about defining the Right, it helps to look at what they do to their Joe Liebermans for guidance.
(Answer: Pat them on the head, smile knowingly, and go harder left.)
Posted by: R.J. | May 25, 2009 at 09:56 PM
Hopefully justice will be done.I can only hope the Supreme Court will side with justice and tyranny
Posted by: runescape gold | May 26, 2009 at 02:28 AM
Incorrect. Powell walked arm in arm with "Shooter" Cheney in the march to war on the Iraqi people.
Powell's lying started in a big way when he was asked to investigate some potential crimes committed by American troops against the Vietnamese. Powell said there was nothing to it. Relations between the Vietnamese and American troops were good, he said.
Anyone who wants a dose of reality about this warlord of empire should head on over to Robert Parry's superb site where there is chapter and verse, carefully buttressed with the necessary documentation/citation about the evils of General Powell.
Oh, the crimes Powell said weren't committed later became known as the My Lai Massacre.
So, actually, this guy is right in the same league with the other two.
Posted by: Brian | May 30, 2009 at 08:46 PM