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May 29, 2009


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I'm afraid that liberal Catholics of Madison have come to believe that it is the government's job to assist the poor.

Worse, there are some dissendent Catholics who think that withholding donations is a way to punish and apply political pressure to a bishop whom they dislike.

It's really not the Bishop's job to run a charity center. His job is to lead the Catholic faithful, and then the Catholic faithful should be be running charity programs.

Catholics need to support our Diocese, and also support charity work. I recommend people to make donations to Our Lady of Hope Clinic, which will provide healthcare to the working poor and uninsured. St. Vincent de Paul also needs cash donations, for directly helping the poor.


I absolutely believe it is the government's job to assist the poor. Private charities only offer the services they believe in.


There are issues with priests in the Madison area. They do not want to support or obey their bishop, Bishop Robert Morlino. This has been brewing for a couple of years now and the media plays into it by highlighting only one side of the story. The media in Madison seems to have their sources only from an anti-Morlino crowd. (For a brief example, when the media jumped on the bandwagon about the Phoenix group suing the diocese, we never really got the back story about how certain priests were instrumental in getting that to happen.)

An influential group of priests have been busy behind the scenes once again, approaching their wealthier and/or more generous parishioners in past months, quietly, and with their "poor me" sob story, telling/asking their parishioners to withhold money from the diocese. The priests who share a dislike for the bishop have regular meetings and make sure that they spread their feelings among their flocks with hints and inuendos. This bishop is not perfect, he may lack charisma, but he is doing the job that is required of him. A sad percentage of the priests who "serve" with him mostly undermine him and are outlandishly disobedient to the vows they've taken, similarly the way husband and wife exchange vows in the Catholic Church. It's silly cloak and dagger stuff and you need to attend to this when deciding what to report or blog.

While it may not be necessary that you understand the culture of the Catholic Church, it may be necessary that you refrain from offering so little balance. The "gotcha" mentality that you and other Madison media indulge in only serves the boyish pranks the minority of "priests against the bishop" and plays into their misguided hands.

The Sconz

In the budget recently passed by the Joint Finance Committee, they specified that organizations that provide certain charitable services, such as low-income housing or disabled housing, are allowed to lease parts of their property tax-free, regardless of how the profits are used. I don't know whether the multicultural center would fall under that category, but it is interesting to wonder if that fact came into consideration for the Diocese.


Bishop Morlino a chairperson for the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, formerly the School of the Americas, closes a building that supports Black and Latino social projects. Look up the history of this most holy.


Render unto Doyle the things which are Doyle’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.

Catherine Fiore

Jesus fed the hungrey, ministered to the poor, the sick, the old and the disenfranchised. He taught us with the story of the Good Samaritan.
The Bishop needs to go back to basics of the example of Jesus in Scripture.

Franz Fripplfrappl

Morlino has been a thorn in the side of the Madison community ever since he blew into town. He insulted us all and then saw the community pull together to help the "abducted" UW student whose story later was debunked as a scam. He saw the community come together when St. Ray's burned. He has witnessed other acts of goodness by us all.

Morlino, as many of the hierarchy, has lost sight of his faith and his priesthood. He has become consumed by the power and the glory of his position.

Bishops O'Connor and O'Donnell have done so much to make the Madison community grow and prosper. We all now bear witness to a bishop who leads with mandates instead of through teaching.

The people are the church, not the hierarchy. Early Christian communities were gatherings of ordinary people. Let us not forget our role and continue to cater to those in need and less fortunate.

The Multicultural center is an excellent symbol of the diversity which brings us together and makes the Madison area unique and the great place to live that it is. It's not about a particular faith, it's about people caring and giving.

The Morlinos of the world will come and go, but the spirit and essence of our community will always be here and we will all be the better because of it.

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