There is nothing to add to this story about former-Cub-turned Red Sox Billy Buckner and his famous error. Now it all makes sense. Photo reveals double curse in '86 by Paul Lucas, Uni Watch.
...That's right: What Hintz spotted -- and what Uni Watch and countless other researchers had missed over the years -- was that Bill Buckner was wearing a Chicago Cubs batting glove under his first baseman's mitt. (And no, that's not a Photoshop job -- it's the real deal.)
The poor Red Sox. It's bad enough they were saddled with one curse; they didn't know they were actually fighting two of them. No wonder Buckner missed that ball. He never had a chance.
And it gets better. An examination of Buckner's at-bats from that game shows that he was wearing dark Franklin gloves while hitting. So apparently he went out of his way to wear the white Cubs-branded glove in the field...
Us sports fans are way to steeped in superstition. What next, pictures of a billy goat seen in the crowd among the fans that night? Superstitions are fun, but that's all they are.
Posted by: USAmerica1st | October 21, 2010 at 12:18 PM