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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

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May 01, 2009


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Excellent post. Madison is often hamstrung by a self-imposed "We can't" mentality.

'We can't' build density on East Wash b/c of the Capitol view. Or b/c of Truax flight patterns.

'We can't' turn East Wash into a boulevard b/c it's a highway. We can't!

'We can't' put underground parking on the East Isthmus b/c of the water table.

'We can't' afford bold, visionary leadership b/c village sensibilities recoil at new & different, the exceptional, and the colorful. Who would rent buy or build if the city was, you know, interesting?

None of those objections bear scrutiny. All allow Madison to be hamstrung by Lilliputian considerations imposed by Lilliputian minds. The growth and vitality of the central city lifts the economic prospects of outlying municipalities and the region as a whole. Nowhere else do subordinate concerns overrule the larger interests of the major polity.

More like this post, please.

Brenda Konkel

ABSOLUTELY!! Thanks for the post Paul.

Kristin Czubkowski

A very interesting post, but I have a question. The state law says outright in 74.35(3), "In this subsection, to 'disallow' a claim means either to deny the claim in whole or in part or to fail to take final action on the claim within 90 days after the claim is filed." It was my impression that Attorney Michael May was informing the council that according to state law, the claims will be denied on April 29 and April 30 because the City Council did not take final action -- that it's something that happens automatically. Whether this should have been more clear to alders at the April 21 meeting or whether there could or should have been a special meeting after it was clear are separate questions, but what I'm curious about here is whether you think the attorney is actively going against the City Council's decision in this case or informing them it was not a decision that could have been made?

Noel Radomski

I agree with Brenda, this is an excellent perspective that needs to be discussed. I can only hope that the alders, especially the president and president pro tem appreciate and exercise their legislative role.

Personal Attorney

This is a very thought-provoking post. I appreciate your insights, I feel like I understand the situation a little better than I did before.

Stu Levitan

Mike May has also been a hindrance on finding a solution to the prosecution of the Majestic for non-payment of the fee for encroaching into the public right-of-way (by its landmark-protected marquee). This is a perfect example of why electing City Attorney is a terrible idea. (sorry, Cap Times -- you're wrong wrong wrong on this one).

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