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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

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May 25, 2009


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John Hyland, Appleton, WI

One more liberal nail in the death of morality in the U. S. When will this madness end.


Having evolved to indifference over gay marriage, I think the problem is with the term marriage and its religious connotations. As often happens, the argument is posed as a choice between two extremes and since neither extreme appears to be looking for a good faith solution, I think some contractual arrangement sanctioned by the state is a good compromise. Let's leave religion to churches and contracts to states.

Ex-pat cheesehead

"Holy Matrimony" is what religions do - they can include or exclude whomever they want.

"Legal Marriage" is what the states do, a civil contract that should be available for any consenting adults.

As "marriage" is a term of art that permeates our legal system, it should be the term used to define the civil contract, not the religious one.


Hey, I'm hep...I see no problem if a gay guy wants to marry a lesbian.

The Sconz

"All they can hope for is that it will be later than sooner" Too true. If you read about the discussions the segregationists had back during the civil rights era, it was exactly the same attitude: this thing is inevitable, but we need to prevent it as long as possible and milk it as much as we can.

It's so irritating how little attention this reality seems to receive in the media, where commentators describe Proposition 8 in California as "vindication" for the religious right, as if the numbers haven't changed drastically in favor of gay rights in just the last few years.

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