The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce is bi-partisan. WMC loves almost every Republican in the legislature plus Senator Jeff Plale (D-South Milwaukee). Plale chairs the Senate Committee on Commerce, Utilities, Energy and Rail and some of his biggest campaign donors are executives from the cable television and energy industries, and from the WMC. Plale has pushed deregulation of nearly every industry his committee oversees, and Xoff calls it "Pay to Plale:"
Do the special interests pour money into Plale's campaign because he agrees with them and has already done things they want to reward? Or do they give so Plale will do nice things for them in the future?
Some people say the legislature works like a vending machine -- put your money and legislation comes out. But sometimes the machine jams and you lose your money, or you have to start over and put money in again.
Some people call it Pay to Play. But that's almost impossible to prove, that there is any quid pro quo involved.
But one thing's for sure. The State Senator from South Milwaukee has some unusual friends. And they're willing to play the game, whatever it is, to keep him in office.
Just call it Pay to Plale.
Milwaukee County Board Supervisor Chris Larson is challenging Plale in the 7th Senatorial District Democratic primary, and has attracted a lot of union and grassroots support so far. It's very difficult to oust a seated Senator in a primary in either party, but it looks like Larson has a decent chance.
- Barry Orton
Let's take out all the DINOs! First up is Russ Feingold. His opposition to cap and trade in Washington helped kill a crucial piece of legislation needed to curb global warming. Shame on Feingold! We need a real democrat to run for the US Senate. Next Tom Barrett. He expressed grave concerns with the Clean Energy Jobs Act. His opposition to CEJA and his support for Mayoral takeover of MPS is shameful. We need a real democrat to run for Governor. Worse, his finance reports make me quake. He has big business from around Wisconsin giving to his campaign. He even has money from AT&T and big Cable. Barry you should run. Your not a DINO like these others.
Posted by: Yortly | July 29, 2010 at 03:08 PM
Russ Feingold is a DINO?
Posted by: Zach W. | July 30, 2010 at 04:39 PM