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Uppity Wisconsin - Progressive Webmasters

« Madison City Council: So Many Meetings, Surprisingly Few Slackers | Main | Soglin Named to Overture Oversight Committee »

July 29, 2010


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Let's take out all the DINOs! First up is Russ Feingold. His opposition to cap and trade in Washington helped kill a crucial piece of legislation needed to curb global warming. Shame on Feingold! We need a real democrat to run for the US Senate. Next Tom Barrett. He expressed grave concerns with the Clean Energy Jobs Act. His opposition to CEJA and his support for Mayoral takeover of MPS is shameful. We need a real democrat to run for Governor. Worse, his finance reports make me quake. He has big business from around Wisconsin giving to his campaign. He even has money from AT&T and big Cable. Barry you should run. Your not a DINO like these others.

Zach W.

Russ Feingold is a DINO?


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