Chris Walker at poses this question in stark terms:
...who would be worse for Wisconsin, an incompetent leader or an ignorant one? In other words, who is a bigger threat to our state: Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker or Republican senatorial candidate Ron Johnson?
Walker lays out Walker's failures, but at least allows that they were intentional:
Scott Walker’s incompetence leads him to only push the problems under the rug, to let someone other than him deal with it, and to claim victory when he does this.
But with Scott Walker, there is at least some semblance of intent with his actions. He intends to disband government because his beliefs tell him his shortcomings aren’t his own fault, but rather the institutions he works for. A false notion to be sure, but what matters is that he understands his beliefs, and carries them out with this in mind.
With Republican senatorial candidate Ron Johnson, it’s less clear that his intentions are consistent with his worldview. His ignorance on several issues, much less his own personal history, are cause for concern among the voters of Wisconsin, who should consider each of Johnson’s missteps as indicators of how he’d govern as Senator Johnson.
Johnson, an Oshkosh businessman in the plastics industry, has never held elected office himself but believes he would be a good fit in the most important deliberative body this world has ever seen. He’s a staunch conservative, which appeals to many in the state. But Johnson’s inconsistent record on his own life has left many wondering: is he ready to hold such a responsible position within our government?
After listing many of Johnson's recent actions that seem to run counter to his often stated beliefs, especially his efforts to block the Child Victims Act, Chris Walker finds Johnson, on balance, worse, but not by much.
So which would be worse for Wisconsin: an incompetent leader who would destroy the government and the programs that Wisconsin citizens across the state utilize? Or an ignorant fool, who would be a rubber-stamp senator that would take the pro-business, hard-right GOP position without question on every vote? It’s really hard to decide.
...We don’t need incompetence or ignorance leading our state. We have reasonable and reliable candidates seeking election and reelection for governor and senator. These two men (Tom Barrett and Russ Feingold) are more than qualified to hold the positions they are seeking. Their rivals, as we have seen, are just not capable, and are just not committed to the people of Wisconsin.
- Barry Orton