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December 03, 2010


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Ty O'Mara

According to everyone I know who ever met the man, he was the most gracious person you would ever want to meet. My Irish-Catholic friend, my Polish-Catholic friend, my boring Protestant friend, and my "sometimes" Puerto Rican friend: they all said the same thing. With confused looks on their faces, they all said, "The man is a mensch."

Services for Mr. Santo will be the highlight of next week's media coverage in Chicago. So be it. He was old-time baseball. He made people feel like they were on the team. A Mensch.

Tim M.

As far as Ronnie goes, it's the Hall of Shame. Shame on THEM for never doing the right thing. Rest in peace, #10.


There was a good piece yesterday on Santo and broadcasters of his generation.
And yes, the Hall should be ashamed. Goes without saying.

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