From the campaign HQ:
With the election just three weeks away, the campaign is at full speed ahead. I would like to update you on the volunteer activities of the next few weeks:
Our yard signs have arrived! ... The signs will then be ready for pick up at our office beginning Thursday morning. Also, if you are able to help us deliver signs to supporters' homes, please let me know.
Phone Bank
Thursday, March 17th
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Soglin Headquarters
1717 Monroe St.
As in past weeks, we welcome you to the headquarters to call using your cell phone, or you may call from home.
Get-Out-the-Vote Lit Drops
Saturday, March 19th, Saturday March 26th & Saturday, April 2nd
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Soglin Headquarters
1717 Monroe St.
Literature drops are crucial to turning out the vote for Paul. Enjoy the spring-like weather this weekend by taking part in our first of many lit drops prior to April 5th! Pick up lit between 8am and 6pm and complete the lit drop when is convenient for you on Saturday or Sunday. We ask you return any unused lit to the office.
We also have office work and data entry to do. We welcome your help there, as well.
Thanks in advance for your participation in these important activities and events! Feel free to contact me by phone, (262) 689-5655, or email, [email protected] with any questions and to sign up.
Monica Sundal
Volunteer Coordinator
Soglin for Mayor
[email protected]
Editor's Note: Campaign contributions can be made out to Soglin for Mayor and mailed to PO Box 1228, Madison WI 53701. Please include contact information and whether we can use your name as a supporter. Let us know if you can volunteer or sponsor a fundraiser. State law requires you to supply employer information (name and address) if your contribution is over $100 in a calendar year. The campaign website at is able to take online contributions, but please feel free to go old school via the US Postal Service.
Anyone that loves his family,State,Country and hot dogs as much as you do, I believe will eventually get their politics right.
As a fellow babyboomer I wish you success in your election.
Posted by: OFR | March 18, 2011 at 05:15 AM
Although I was not born in Madison, I call Madison my home town. I know that you call Madison your home town. Real Americans have home towns. Home towns are where you can sit on the stoop and watch the sun go by. Home towns are where children can grow wings. Home town are the soul of civilization. You had a moment when you could hitch up your pants, turn and without looking back, walk away. You seem to have found something to be committed to outside of yourself.
Old warrior, you can exceed everyone’s great expectations.
Posted by: antpoppa | March 18, 2011 at 11:13 AM