Yesterday was filled with meetings with City officials and press avails. Dean Mosiman's story in the Wisconsin State Journal had details:
Energized by his win Tuesday, Mayor-elect Paul Soglin on Wednesday met with Mayor Dave Cieslewicz and city managers and started to forge his early agenda.
Soglin, mayor for 14 years over three decades, said he intends to revive "neighborhood resource teams" of police, building inspectors, public health nurses and others to address growing poverty. He's exploring a humane way to control the geese population. And he wants to use appointments to bring more diversity to the city's array of committees.
"We're going to be moving on many tracks at once," he said.
Soglin, who takes office April 19, said Cieslewicz initiatives such as rebuilding the Central Library and planning for a public market southeast of the Capitol "will continue on present course."
But he said he will seek briefings on why decisions were made and particular options chosen. "We may or may not make changes," he said.
Cieslewicz took no issue with that approach. "That's absolutely fair," he said. "I'd do that myself. I think he's going to find that these are all solid decisions."
The mayor credited Soglin with an effective, clean campaign and vowed to "do everything in our power to make the transition easy for him so he can be successful."
We owe a huge thank you to Mayor Cieslewicz for his assistance in this transition. He's been gracious and helpful.
(For those of you waiting for a callback from Paul, or a response to an email, have a little patience. Nearly every Madisonian and a few thousand from elsewhere have wanted to congratulate him or offer an idea.)
- Barry Orton
The election results are in for our city and state, my premise is that a new age of heroism is begun. We have begun to swing our collective fists against supplication and accommodation.
As Clarence Kaitlin was so fond of saying,” We have a lot of work to do.”
As we tilt from crisis to crisis, fighting against the bullies, cronies and moral trolls that the elites rank against us, we will need good corner men. Men like Paul Soglin, John Nichols, The Fourteen, and all those activists that rose up in the vicious battle against corporate sponsored astroturfers.
This is just the beginning.
The first great battle.
Clarence Kaitlin knew there was no end to this fight, no line these people will not cross.
Lock and load Wisconsin.
Posted by: antpoppa | April 07, 2011 at 09:45 AM
Your "nearly every Madisonian" quote is far off, Barry -
I'm looking forward to engaging with Soglin - as I did not vote for him.... nor Dave. Both candidates did nothing so impress me (or many of my friends... most of us activists and well connected in our communities).
How many town halls will the mayor be scheduling?
Whose voices will he be seeking to hear - and how will he go about soliciting them?
How will he engage all of us?
Does he have the balls to move this city forward? If so - what will it look like?
Does he want to recall politicians? Which ones? Are they all republicans??
Those of us who consciously chose NOT TO VOTE FOR MAYOR - in turn, cast our vote. Soglin should hear that call and respond.
Posted by: Wendy Schneider | April 07, 2011 at 09:50 AM
Many congrats Mayor Soglin!!
Your proven leadership is just what this community needs in the face of the challenges posed by the Fitzwalker administration. Madison is losing at least $250,000,000.00 to the gov's so called "budget repair" , and at a time when many of us need jobs, the market is shrinking instead of expanding.
There are many of us who voted for you because we believe you will address this issue and help us find meaningful employment.
Posted by: Jack Kennedy | April 08, 2011 at 02:38 PM
Congratulations! I am so thrilled for US! I want to tell you that I am a 56 year old female that has had a stroke (right side affected). I have hours of time on my hands. I am capable of doing mailings, making phone calls or anything that would help. Just say the word! Congrats man, this is awesome. Judy Warren at 608 846-2408
Posted by: Judy Warren | April 10, 2011 at 12:00 PM
This is the viable industrial cooperative we, in the city, should be investing in with city resources. Teamed with the biodigester technology for power, it would be a win-win.
Posted by: antpoppa | April 12, 2011 at 08:44 AM
I am very concerned Mr. Mayor about your recent comments about putting the new Central Library plans on hold. Are you aware of the current condition of the building and the costs necessary to repair the roof, replace the HVAC system and fix the elevators just to keep the current building open? The library has done good faith fundraising for building and renovation of several branches over the years. I understand your need to be seen as fiscally responsible. But to stop the current plans seems foolhardy at best. Please reconsider your stance on this issue of importance to all Madisonians.
Posted by: Annie K | April 17, 2011 at 06:18 PM