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December 12, 2012


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Steve Steinhoff

Evidence shows that early childhood care and education makes a huge difference in life outcomes. Brains develop better and people flourish throughout life when they are nourished physically, emotionally and educationally during early years of life. Lack of such attention, research shows, reduces learning ability. Interventions later in life can help but are limited in effect. Some traits that develop from early neglect, like lack of impulse control, can even be passed on to later generations.

One of the best things the City, Schools and County can do is to increase support for early childhood care and education. Introduction of 4-year old pre-kindergarten is a good step. There is much more that needs to be done. Parents and families, especially, need support and help with parenting skills, mentoring, and access to quality pre-school care. Such an investment will enrich lives and generate positive returns to society.

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