The City of Madison Department of Civil Rights (DCR),through their AASPIRE intern Kate Michalski, brought the majority of Madison Alders together recently to demonstrate the idea that we must all work together to fight discrimination. The alders painted their hands and were then asked to attempt to push over a wall, first individually, and then collectively.
On their own, the wall did not budge, but as a group, it easily tipped over. The wall stands for persistent discrimination and each hand print represents a point of progress.
This exercise was first done with Alders Carter, Phair and McKinney and neighborhood residents at the Theresa Terrace Neighborhood Center to take the message of the importance of civil rights into the community and create a public service announcement to be shared with all Madisonians.
Aside from refocusing attention on civil rights, City of Madison DCR hopes the demonstration will help eliminate uncertainty involved in reporting discrimination to DCR investigators and remind residents that every incident reported is a step towards equality.