Twice since the 1990's greedy corporate hoodlums took advantage of the bailouts. The Savings and Loan crisis and the Great Recession resulted in public money used for excessive private gain.
- Executive bonuses greater than an entire American family of five make in a year.
- Leveraged buy-outs by corporate raiders using money that was not theirs
- Stock buy backs
- Political gifts to key members of congress who voted for the legislation.
- Shifting of personal profits off-shore to escape taxation on the gains
All this can be corrected with simple requirements by the gate keepers. Here is where we need the rules and regulations - not on grants to the small businesses. And if you do not like the requirements, tough. No one is making you take the money.
- No corporate political contributions
- No individual political contributions to PACS by six figure employees.
- No bonuses - you did not save the company, we the taxpayers saved your asses.
- No acquisitions.
- No stock buy backs for a decade
- All employees get a base of $17.50/hour, full health insurance, a retirement plan and 90% of the workers must work a minimum 32 hour week.*
- No increase in contracted workers so as to avoid the employment criteria.
- No off shore bank accounts.
- I'll think of some more, just give me time.
If you do not like the terms, tough. Go away.
*That is to ensure that employees are eligible for all benefits.
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