The more I thought about yesterday's post, the more I realized that Wisconsin State Senator Tom Reynolds needed his own post about his cavorting with the anti-Catholic crowd. To set the record straight, in 2003 Reynolds attended the International Conference on Homo-Fascism.
These are the folks who brought us An Urgent Plea to Roman Catholics. Since that conference (Homo-Fascism) in 2003, Reynolds has refused to disavow these religious bigots and he prints for the organizers of the conference:
The InStep story along with dueling AW and WCU press releases drew the attention of Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel political columnists Cary Spivak & Dan Bice, who followed up with Reynolds and confirmed his presence at the Homo Fascism conference. In their January 13, 2004 piece the columnists wrote: “ ‘It sounded interesting,’ said the West Allis senator who owns a small print shop. ‘I don’t know much about them. I do a little printing for them.’” The “little printing” included a number of WCU brochures. Some of WCU titles are “A Little Discrimination Can Be a Good Thing,” “Homosexuality: The Truth” and “Is Someone You Know A Bugger?”
But I digress.
The purpose of the post is look at what Reynold's buddies say about the Roman Catholic Church:
An Urgent Pleas to Roman Catholics
The Word of God and the word of the Roman Church are at direct odds with each other on many foundational issues including, most critically, how one receives forgiveness and salvation from God. It is impossible for one to be obedient to both the Roman Church and the Bible, just as it is impossible to follow both the pope and Jesus.
In light of the Roman Catholic claims about their first pope, it seems more than a little strange that only James and Jude wrote less of the New Testament than Peter wrote. There is a plethora of other biblical evidences which make it obvious that the Roman Church is dead wrong when it comes to its claims about the papacy
Surely, the checkered and at times sordid history of the papacy is also proof that the pope is not the infallible, holy vicar of Christ. Some popes have been fornicators, homosexuals, and murderers as even Roman Catholic historians admit. Many have been grasping political opportunists. Popes have anathematized their predecessors, wielded power over civil rulers in an ungodly fashion, and presided over horrific, brutal events for which the modern Roman Church has ended up offering tepid apologies under great pressure. How could such men be the “vicar of Christ”? The Roman Catholic Church is in great conflict with God’s Word over the papacy.
What Jesus Christ has commanded His followers to do as a “remembrance” of His death and their inheritance of eternal life through belief in Him (Lk. 22:19-20), the Roman Church has turned into a blasphemous, pagan ritual which misleads millions and keeps them in bondage, separated from Christ and salvation. No true Christian can have any part of it (I Cor. 10:20-22).
Those who teach that man must do certain works to achieve salvation are presumptuously teaching that man can do the impossible and satisfy God’s perfect standard of justice and holiness by human efforts. They are also blasphemously teaching that once those works have been done, God must grant salvation or owe the worker a debt (Rom. 4:4-5)! The Roman Catholic Church cannot be the true Church since it teaches this false gospel (Gal. 1:8-9)!
The man the Roman Catholic Church claims was the first pope was married (I Cor. 9:5)! Here again, the Roman Church is teaching a false doctrine and wresting the Scriptures (II Pet. 3:15-18). Will you believe God’s Word or trust your eternity to a church which legislates and upholds a doctrine of devils?
It is too late for Reynolds to renounce this bigotry. No responsible adult in public office can be excused for such horrendous judgment in selecting his buddies.
Are there any Roman Catholics remaining in the district who will vote for Reynolds? Waddya think, President Bush?
President Bush suddenly recalling that Pastor Ralph Ovadal told him: "Call upon the name of the Lord for salvation instead of praying to Mary and 'the saints' and relying on pagan rituals. Then follow Jesus and live your life according to God’s Holy Word instead of the corrupt decrees of Rome."