The financial meltdown and the economic and political crisis are the result of the twenty year relationship between House of Representatives' Republican leadership and the financial services industry, which includes every major bank, insurance company, and brokerage house in the United States.
The deal orchestrated in the 1990's by the extreme right wing House Republicans and the banks was simple. The banks provided the money to elect House Republicans, who would pass legislation to end regulation in the financial services industry.
The money was spread around to Republicans, both moderates and fanatical right wingers, without distinction.
That was key to the deal. The banks and insurance companies could not question the Republican House candidates on other issues.
It made no difference what the financial people thought about choice, protectng the nation''s infrastructure, funding stem cell research, or education. They got the Republicans selected by the GOP leadership.
Now these ideological thugs with a large enough presence in the House are threatening any kind of reasonable resolution to the pending economic crisis.
The operation is not much different than the relationship bewteen Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC) and their last remaining foothold in the State Capitol, the Republicans in the Assembly.
In Washington, the right wing is biting the hand that fed them for two decades without regard for the nation or thier own political future.
It would be interesting to look into the records of major Wisconsin insurance companies, borkerage houses, and banks to see the flow of cash that went either directly to these candidates or indirectly into front organizations for the United States Chamber of Commerce and their trade groups and then funneled to so called issue committees.
Frankly, I would ask for my money back.
It's time for payback.